Web software

Web-based software is a great opportunity to digitize certain parts of your business and is an ideal substitute for piles of folders and excel spreadsheets, etc. located on shared servers and devices.

No matter how well you've arranged your data, it comes to a moment when you begin to lose information or you need connectivity between data. Then the time has come to optimize these processes and to digitize them all.

Web-based softwares are the large ERP systems where most of the processes in the company can be connected, but also it can be a smaller software that performs all kinds of tasks and facilitates for your daily life.

Such systems are used quite effectively in communication with clients and employees; for organizing work processes and tasks, as well as for outputting statistics and data.

Examples of such developments are:

Risk assessment system

For an institution, we have developed specialized software that stores and processes large amounts of data and, based on that data, prepares a risk assessment against the relevant threats. The system has different levels of access and the ability to dynamically change data and criteria. There is a mailing system included.

Tempo Sport & Tempo Casual Chain Management System

The system works on devices in more than 70 shops, warehouses and offices. It performs control of working hours and serves for managing and moving internal documents. There are 8 access levels with different rights and functions.

Building Supervision Software for “Danube Consult“

The software manages both processes of the company - "Evaluation of compliance" and "Construction Supervision". The system generates all necessary documents for processes, allowing for changes and updates to their templates and autofill data already entered.

All of these systems and many more we create at Web Design Studio Zashev have only one purpose - to save your time.

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